Adobe "Access Denied" opening file from network share


Adobe "Access Denied" error when opening a file that lives on a network share. This is the tightening of security permissions inside of Adobe Reader in order to likely combat cross site hosted files that could be infected or malicious. This is a temporary fix until a more secure solution is determined.


So far this is tested in Adobe Reader XI 11.0.07 as of 5/28/14

The error message as seen on the below:

"Access Denied" error message
* Open Adobe Reader XI
* Edit Menu --> Preferences
* On the left hand menu, find "Security (Enhanced)" and select it
* uncheck the 2 check boxes as seen in the following pic "Enable Enhanced Security"

2 boxes to uncheck
After un-checking the first box on the page, you are presented with this:

* Click "Yes"
Then after removing the second check box, at the bottom of the page click the 
* Click "Ok"

Last, close Adobe Reader.  Navigate to your file on the Network share and open the document.  If all went correctly, the PDF should open normally.  If not, please contact Technology services or fill out a help ticket to get the matter resolved.  If this is being supplied in a response to a ticket and there is a problem, please reply back to the email and indicate what the behavior or error is to further troubleshoot the problem.



Article ID: 1677
Wed 5/28/14 11:31 AM
Wed 8/13/14 10:46 AM