Bulk E-Mail


If you need to send email to CEHD faculty and staff, the college maintains several ListServs based on the CEHD Directory, see the service CEHD ListServs

If you need to send e-mail to large groups of A&M students, the recommended solution is the A&M Bulk E-mail service.  This service allows you to designate the target of your email based on various attributes such as college, major, department, classification, and many others.  The Bulk E-mail service will then send the email to the official e-mail address of the student based on current student data.  This means you do not have to maintain your own list and keep up with major changes and the like that could affect the list.

Additional information about this service as well as the starting point for submitting an email to be sent out through this service is at


This service does require a couple days to process your request (longer at the beginning of semesters), so plan accordingly.

A similar A&M service is called TAMUDirect.  This service is what is used to create lists for courses each semester.  However, it can also be used to create more permanent groups based on Compass and Workday attributes.  See https://tamudirect.tamu.edu/ for more information.

This is a shared service maintained by the Division of IT and not by CEHD.





Article ID: 38557
Mon 9/4/17 11:28 AM
Tue 4/26/22 1:17 PM