The NetID is your primary Texas A&M login ID for IT services. (Some systems may require a different ID but the desire across the university is to unify as many of these as possible.)
- Most computer login accounts use NetID. (Exception are Macs which don't natively have the enterprise features needed for NetID login,)
- Access to the CEHD Data Portal is through CAS (Central Authentication System) which uses NetIDs
- Employees who access confidental or sensistive data are encouraged to register for the Duo 2-factor authentication service.
Resetting NetID Password
You can reset your NetID password using
A&M Resources
Guest NetIDs
If you need a NetID for a guest to campus (so they can login to campus computers, use WiFi, etc.), complete the following form and submit to the Identity Management Office
Extending NetIDs
NetIDs for employees are closed two days after the termination date. (Students keep their NetID for about 2 years) If you will continue a relationship with the university post-employment you may request that your NetID be extended. To do so,
- complete the form
- have the form signed by your department head,
- and submit it to the Identity Management Office.
(You can also put in the request to Technology Services and we can facilitate the process.)