Service Catalog

Categories (9)

Help Desk

General IT Help Requests including questions about your office computer or a classroom/lab computer.

Poster Request

Submit an electronic poster to be printed on one of the college plotters.

IT Purchasing

All technology related purchases need to be approved by Technology Services to assure equipment and services are compatible with A&M and college infrastructure and are in compliance with university and college policies and procedures. You should initiate your purchase through one of the items within this group. See "Other IT Purchases" for a list of exemptions that do not need to go through Technology Services.

Web/Cloud Applications

Disability Resources, Qualtrics Survey,
Research Data Archive

Facilitate University Resources

Technology Services coordinates with TAMU IT as well as other technology-related groups around campus for many campus-related services. Some services can only be accessed through Technology Services. For others you can contact the university organization directly. If you have questions, drop by our offices or submit a ticket within one of the services in this category.

Systems / Infrastructure

Requests for the systems group within Technology Services (Jonathan, Brandon B, and Tony). These would include new domain names, firewall changes, or other changes to the college IT infrastructure.

IT Security

Technology Services is responsible for the implementation of IT security rules from A&M and the state. Use these services to request information or other IT security related issues.

Data Portal/Aggie Educator Portal

The Data Portal is the CEHD developed system used to manage employee and student data within the college. These services are the various subsystems of the Data Portal. Submit requests for problems or change requests through the appropriate listed service.

CEHD Data Requests

For data requests for the CEHD Data Office (not part of IT), contact Jonathan Masabni (