Popular Services

Technology Services provides poster printing service to CEHD faculty, staff and students who are presenting research findings to a class or at a conference.

Submissions will need to be made 3 business days in advance. Please make sure to include the dimensions of your poster in inches, date you will need it printed by and the attached document in PDF format. There is a size limit of 15mb that we can receive.

This is the general purpose service that covers most problems associated with office computers, laptops, printers and other IT equipment in the College of Education and Human Development.

Technology Services supports the printing infrastructure to the CEHD across all buildings.

Technology Services coordinates with TAMU IT to manage networking services such as DNS, firewall, certificates and related services.

Technology Services supports the use of the TAMU Shared Service Laserfiche for the CEHD Fiscal Office.

Technology Services is responsible for compliance with IT Security rules and procedures of the state and university within the college. If you have a IT-Security related question or concern, please contact Technology Services.

Use this service to start the process of purchasing a computer (desktop, laptop, tablet). This is required for all computer purchases within the college including faculty, staff workstations as well as computers purchases for research projects.

The college provides network storage for individual faculty and staff and for groups associated with the college. These shares can be used for university related purposes (and incidental personal use). When requesting a change to permissions, be sure to include the NetID of anyone to add/remove.

Technology Supports the purchase of software by the CEHD community through knowing vendor options for common software purchases, knowing alternative options for some purchases, obtaining quotes for software that are compatible with A&M purchasing guidelines, manage software liceses, and providing advice regarding the compatibility of software with current equipment.

Titanium is a software package used by the Counseling and Assessment Clinic for scheduling and tracking clients in the clinic.

Technology maintenance and updates for CEHD classrooms, labs, and conference rooms.

The Technology Services Knowledge Base (KB) is a repository of Technology Services documentation. Use this service to request new articles or changes to the KB.

Use this option for IT-related purchases that do not fit into one of the other categories (e.g., software, printers, iPads, and the like should use this form). (Additional categories will be added as we work out the details.)

Technology Services assists with the purchase and setup of printers within the college. Use this service if you need to purchase a printer. For assistance with problems with existing printers, use the "Printer Support" option under the Help Desk category of this Service Catalog.

Qualtrics Research Suite's online survey solutions make it easy to capture academic insights. These insights empower faculty and students, create breakthroughs, and change lives.

Report a problem within a CEHD System or request a change to CEHD or related system.

Technology Services can assist when dealing with university IT-related services.

This will direct you to the TAMU IT Password reset page.