
Tags Titanium CAC

Titanium is a software package used by the Counseling and Assessment Clinic (CAC) for scheduling and tracking clients in the clinic.  Use this service to report problems associated with connecting to Titanium.  However, questions about Titanium accounts or how to use Titanium should be directed to Dr. Rae or other CAC staff.

At the beginning of each semester, the CAC provides a list of students eligible to use Titanium and provides that list to Technology Services.  If you receive an error saying that you do not have permission to connect to the server, you should first contact the CAC staff with your NetID to make sure you are on on the authorized list.


  • CAC staff should report connectivity and related issues using this service.
  • Students within the Counseling programs in Educational Psychology or who work with the CAC should only connect to Titanium from either Milner or the Bryan clinic on computers specially configured for use with Titanium.  If you do run into an issue, report them to the CAC staff first who will usually be the ones to report the issues to Technology Services.  They will know if there is a general problem that has already been reported. 
  • Faculty who work with the CAC and its students may request that the connectivity software for Titanium be installed on their personal laptops.


Service Manager. Jonathan Hall