What are learner support services and why are they important?
According to Paulson (2009) student support services are “a diverse set of offerings that institutions develop and deliver to enhance the student experience and improve learning outcomes. Services range from admissions and enrollment to financial aid/student accounts and technical support” (p.1). Students who are completing their programs completely online may never actually come to campus, so how will off-campus students access the same services that on-campus students can easily access? The answer is offering online learner support services. Most research in this area concludes that learner support services are essential to the success of online learning and are typically linked to student’s success, satisfaction and retention (Conover, 2008; Lorenzo, 2012; Paulson, 2009; Sea & Armitage, 2002).

Download the 'Learner Support Services at TAMU' PDF document which contains accessible links.
Instructors should include a statement describing how students may obtain technical/technology support for the course. Instructors and students in the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) have two offices they may contact for technical support. Instructors and students may contact Texas A&M University Help Desk Central or CEHD Instructional Technology Services. Examples that may be used in an instructor’s course are shown below.
Sample Statement for Technical Support Services
If students face any technical issues, Texas A&M University Help Desk Central is available 24/7, 365 days/year. Their contact details are as follows:
Contact CEHD Instructional Technology Services
Sample Statement for Course Offered via eCampus
This course will be facilitated using eCampus, the Learning Management System used by Texas A&M University. To get started with the course on eCampus, go to: http://ecampus.tamu.edu/ . You will need your TAMU NetID and password to log in to the course. If you do not know your TAMU NetID or have forgotten your password, contact Texas A&M University Help Desk Central at 979-845-8300 or at helpdesk@tamu.edu or Help Desk Chat . Texas A&M University Help Desk Central is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Sample Statement for Course Offered via Moodle
This course will be facilitated using Moodle, the Learning Management System used by the College of Education and Human Development. To get started with the course on Moodle, go to: https://courses.education.tamu.edu. For technical help, please email requests to the Moodle Help Desk at itshelp@tamu.edu or contact at 979-845-1111 during their business hours Mon- Friday 8 am to 5 pm. Emergency help requests submitted outside of normal Moodle Helpdesk Hours will be addressed within 24 hours. Any non-emergency requests submitted outside of normal hours, will be addressed during normal hours.
In addition to making the course accessible for students, instructors should provide a URL link to Texas A&M University's accessibility policies and how to obtain accommodation in the syllabus or in the course. Examples that may be used in an instructor’s course are shown below.
Statement for Accessibility
“Texas A&M Information Technology is committed to ensuring that all official university information on our websites is accessible to, and usable by, all students, faculty, staff, and the general public regardless of disability (see Web Accessibility and Usability Procedures (PDF)).”
For more information about web accessibility, please go to the Web Accessibility website. To report any accessibility issues or inaccessible sites, please contact the University's Web Accessibility Coordinator
Statement for How to Obtain Accommodation for Disability Services
“The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact Disability Services in Cain Hall, Room B118, or call 979-845-1637.”
Texas A&M University offers many services to help students with their academic progress. Instructors need to provide links or instructions on how students may obtain or access these academic services and resources. Academic support services may include: academic writing services, library services, or tutoring services. The table below displays academic support services that are available at Texas A&M University.
Academic Support Services
Texas A&M University and CEHD offers many services to help students with their non-academic needs while in college. Instructors need to provide links or instructions on how students may obtain or access student services. Student services may include services such as scholarships and financial aid, advising, and counseling.
Student Services
Contact Information |
Types of Services Provided
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Texas A&M University offers many financial aid options to help students pay tuition and fees, including scholarships and loans.
Student Counseling Service
Texas A&M University Student Counseling Service (SCS) offers wide variety of learners support counseling services such as career counseling and testing services.
Global Education
The College of Education and Human Development offers many unique global education (study abroad) opportunities designed specifically for students’ degree programs.
Tools and Resources